Julius Caesar.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The tragedies of Julius Caesar brought upon many themes. One of them being burdens of the throne. Through the play the character Julius Caesar is portrayed as both arrogant and as being an awesome ruler. To those who were envious toward Caesar he seemed arrogant and very high esteemed of himself. To those who only saw him in public he was almost as high status as a god. Even Caesar considered himself as a god. …

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…still eventually die a brutal death from murders. Brutus' fate was also death. When Brutus joined the conspiracy for noble reasons something was bound to go wrong. Even though Brutus was not planned to die, hi did have someone hold a sword to kill him-self with grief and defeat. The inexorable fates of the characters in Julius Caesar were a tragic out come. The weakest became the strongest, the strong killed, and the noble suicidal.