Julius Caesar

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Essay Database > History > European History
"Veni, Vidi, Vici," was the motto of a very famous person in Roman history. This name of this man is Julius Caesar. This motto clearly shows the way Caesar helped expand the Roman Empire, to its enormous size that it eventually became. He came, he saw, and he conquered. Roman was an important part of the imperial system in Rome, and was also a famous general. Julius Caesar had a very interesting life, from his …

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…being stabbed first by Casca, and later by all the other senators, including his best friend Brutus. All in all, Caesar was very important to the growth of the Roman Empire. He helped the empire expand, as well as the hearts of the other Roman citizens. Julius Caesar was a great general and leader, and his laws, and forms of government are still followed to this day. Heraklia.fws1.com Library.thinkquest.org Encyclopedia Brittanica