Journal Critique:Is there a specific relationship between childhood sexual and physical abuse and repeated suicidal behavior?

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Journal: Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal Volume 28, Issue 8, August 2004, Pages 863-875 Is there a specific relationship between childhood sexual and physical abuse and repeated suicidal behavior? Mette Ystgaard, Ingbejorg Hestetun, Mitchell Leob, and Lars Mehlum<Tab/> Purpose Studies show that childhood sexual and physical abuses predict repeated suicide attempts and self-mutilation. Little is known about the importance of sexual and physical abuse when compared to other severe childhood adversities …

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…self- blame, which may predispose people to repeated self-harm later in life. It may be an emotional link or a psychological association that drives them to devalue their body. Future research with larger samples should take place to investigate the affects of abuse in isolation and various abusive circumstances in combination. I also think that future studies should be done to research the emotional paths that link an abused person to attempt suicide or self-mutilation.