Johnny Weismuller - Swimmer/Actor

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Only a few people leave an impression that last forever. One of those people is Johnny Weissmuller. He was born on June 2nd 1904, in Austria-Hungary, but he only stayed there for 7 months after birth. In his life he moved a few times, yet always made a good outcome. He worked as a miner, but was always an aggressive swimmer. He was only 12 when he earned his spot on the YMCA swimming team. After finishing school, …

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…of the few people who actually enjoyed what he did for living. By the way, I was interested by the fact that he actually started his own swimming company. After doing further research, I found out that a company by the name of "Johnny Weissmuller Pools". The company website contains information about him, but I guess his point of the company was achieved. This company now shares the great sport of swimming with people worldwide.