Jewish Food

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Food of the Chosen In the time of Jesus, food often had religious and historical significance. Even today food still has these significances to the Jews. Historical Significance The main resource of historical information about the early life of Jews is the Bible. Jewish scribes began recording their histories while in Babylon. These histories are the Old Testament. Many types of food are mentioned in the Bible. For example, the story of Cain, Abel, and …

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…meal with the family, most likely outdoors unless the family was very wealthy. As you can see, food was of a great religious and day to day significance to Jews in biblical times. And still is. Bibliography Bibliography 1. Morrow, Betsey; Jewish Holidays , Garrard Publishing Company, USA, 1967. 2. Eyewitness Books; Bible Lands , Dorling Kindersley Limited, London, 1991. 3. Hoffman, Yair; The World of the Bible for Young Readers ;Viking Kestrel, New York, 1989. 4. Groliers Electronic Encyclopedia, Grolier Electronic Publishing, CT, 1993.