Jane eyre

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Essay Database > Literature
Jane Eyre is the main character in the novel named Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. She is but a fictional character, and in our hearts she will stay. This incredible lady in her beloved story has carried on through the centuries to inspire all its readers. Jane is a cherished woman with whom everyone can find a bit of themselves in. The captivating character of Jane Eyre was created in the mid 1800's by an …

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…Jane Eyre is a character to be admired through the ages. Jane Eyre will forever be in the hearts of all her wishful readers. She was an inspiration to many a generation, and she will carry on a terrific legend of hope. We all have a hand in our fate if we keep looking and striving for the goal. We can all achieve the love, so marvelous and wonderful, that our hero Jane Eyre has.