Jane Eyre-Book review

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
The setting is one of the important part of story, which makes the image of place, time and mood in the story. Jane Eyre takes place in England's countryside in early quarter of 19th century. This makes us think about the situation of a woman in early 18s in England. The setting of this story made me know the feeling and emotions of the person. In Jane Eyre the atmosphere is kind of gloomy, which …

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…To get away from this, she went to her aunt and found out that she was handed down lots of money from her uncle. In this time she went to see Mr. Rochester because of his wife's death's news and got married with him. The story Jane Eyre has many different ideas. In general this is a love story. Independence, religion, sociality and woman rights of past century are some other themes of this story.