Jane Eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Jane Eyre - Fire & Water Write an essay on Bronte's use of water and fire imagery. In Jane Eyre, the use of water and fire imagery is very much related to the character and/or mood of the protagonists (i.e. Jane and Rochester, and to a certain extent St. John Rivers) -- and it also serves to show Jane in a sort of intermediate position between the two men. However, it should also be …

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…-symbol becomes even more explicitly a symbol of life. [good] As such, the representation of both fire and water, alternately life-giving and life-denying, is possibly symbolic in that both extremes must be moderated in order for them to be of benefit to society without doing harm to themselves (it should be noted that Rivers, for whom there is no such moderation, is said to be approaching death at the end of the novel). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**