Jane Eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 407 pages A. Setting: England, Early 1800s B. Point of View: First person C. Jane Eyre, the main character, is sent out of the drawing room by her Aunt, Mrs. Reed (Jane’s parents had died while she was very young and her Uncle took her in. After he died Mrs. Reed kept Jane although she despised her.). Jane then retires to the library, where she hid by the window-sill, behind the …

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…only him. They get married and live in London. F. I think the theme of this book is integrity. Jane shows she has integrity when she doesn’t treat everyone the way she had been treated most of her life. G. I think the title fits the book because there isn’t really anything else you could call it. Its the story of Jane Eyre, its only right to call it Jane Eyre. The End