Jane Eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Jane Eyre is a novel that presents many views on religion through its various characters. Charlotte Bronte successfully employs several characters throughout the novel, who each have a distinct view on religion, specifically Christianity. These characters include Mr. Brocklehurst, Eliza Reed, Helen Burns, St. John Rivers, Jane, and Mr. Rochester. Some of these characters practice the strictness aspect of Christianity, while others believe in duty and works, and the remaining few are actual true Christians. …

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…newly found faith had caused a positive change of character, and helps fit in with the happy ending of the novel. Jane Eyre is a novel that presents several unique attitudes towards religion from the perspectives of different characters. These characters have various views on religion, and they vary from those who practice over-strict Christian morals, to those who believe in duty and works, and those who are actually true Christians, or develop into them.