Jane Eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Jane Eyre JANE EYRE is a novel written by , a famous English writer. I have read the Chinese version when I am a college student. This time, I read the original English version, which attracted me for a second time. Orphaned as a baby, Jane Eyre is placed in the care of a cold-hearted aunt, Mrs. Reed of Gateshead Hall. Mrs. Reed's husband, a brother of Jane's mother, instructs his wife on his deathbed to …

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…ive himself. A flaming staircase had fallen, blinding him and crushing one arm so badly it had to be amputated. Rochester is now living in morose solitude at the lonely nearby manor of Ferndean. Jane hurries to see him. Overjoyed that she has come to him, Rochester asks her to become his wife. She happily accepts and they are married. They soon have a child. Two years later, Rochester regains the sight of one eye.