Jane Eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Life experiences provide a person with maturation and a brand new outlook on the world. In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, the main character learns many new things about herself. She endures her difficult life as a child only to find that when she is older she will still be faced with many difficult situations. Through experiences with Helen Burns at Lowood School, Mr. Edward Rochester at Thornfield, and St. John Rivers at …

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…effect on her future. She learns to be tolerant, patient, and understanding in the cold environment of Lowood School. Thornfield mansion and Rochester teach Jane her social status and position while she learns to be a stronger individual. St. John Rivers gives Jane the strength to survive in any situation and be independent. All of these experiences collectively help Jane to find her place in the world as a unique and independent individual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**