James Cook, The Oceanographer

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Out in the middle of an unknown body of water, traveling distances only judged with elementary equipment, seeing life forms before anyone else on the earth. Covered in a constant layer of salt, your last meal consisted of stale water, sauerkraut and some salted packed meat. The trip lasts for years and it won?t be your last. These trips were performed by many sailors but none as important to Oceanography as James Cook. The …

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…of marine life, as well as land plants and animals, the ocean floor, and geological formations: they also reported their characteristics in logbooks and journals.? While at sea he mapped his navigated routes. These maps were even used in World War II during invasions of the pacific islands. James Cook was a pioneer of a science that didn?t have a name until after his death, but his contributions to it will live on forever.