"It is circumstance that enables us to reinvent ourselves and the world around us" Discuss in relation to 'Life of Pi' and three related texts of your choice.

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Reinvention is the reaction that we, as humans, have in response to the constant change of circumstances we endure as a result of consequence. Humans strive for acceptance and justification of self, which can be provided by reinvention and thus it can be said that it is circumstance which enables change within self and perception of the world around us. Reinvention can be experienced on a personal and wider scale and involves the alteration of …

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…and security". This reinvention occurs in response to Pi's circumstances and his needs. Through Life of Pi (Yann Martel), Images of Madonna, Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk), and Hermann Junger's designs (jewellery), it is evident that circumstance a requisite for reinvention and it is in response to circumstance that we, as humans, are enabled to reinvent ourselves and the world around us, be that in regard to identity, perspective, emotion, physical place, image, beliefs or boundaries.