Islam Has Been Hijacked By Terrorists.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Despite its huge following around the world and the growing Muslim communities in the United States, the ways of Islam is unknown to most Americans. Because of the prevalence of Judeo Christianity most Americans know little or nothing about Islam and have many misconceptions about Muslim beliefs and rituals. Islamic concepts of war, human rights and especially the rights of women have been misinterpreted and misrepresented to such an extent that Muslims look very unsophisticated …

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…all the Muslim nations as a whole, or else it won't prove to be successful. I know this won't be the easiest thing in the world, and Muslims will have to cross many a hurdle in trying to accomplish this Herculean task, but it will be to worth all the effort. Clearing the tarnished image of Islam and giving your coming generations a peaceful and secure life, what more could a true Muslim ask for.