Isak Dinesen "The Ring" elements of his style

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Dinesen's Special Recipe In writing, authors use elements to enhance and give the reader a clearer understanding of the literature. Many times authors use more than one element such as imagery and positive/negative connotation to mix up their style. Isak Dinesen mixes those elements to help give the reader a vivid understanding of the story in "The Ring." Imagery is defined as the use of details that appeal to the reader's senses of sight, …

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…his insight in "The Ring," and to give the reader imagination about the story. Isak's emphasis on the imagery and connotation makes the story appear more clear to the reader's mind and imagination. His choice in words and descriptions are crucial to the understanding and development of the story. Works Cited Dinesen, Isak. "The Ring." Glencoe Literature The Readers Choice Course 5. Eds. Beverly Ann Chin and Denny Wolfe, et al. New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2000. 225-30.