Is there a Homosexual Gene

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Recent Developments in Research on the Genetics of Human Sexual Orientation Human sexual orientation has been a controversy with a high tendency for debate. Lesbians, gays, supporters, and their friends are in a heated dispute about the origins of sexual orientation. There are many possibilities, spanning from personal lifestyle choices, environmental factors, to genetic heredity. In the past few years it has become increasingly popular to examine homosexuals, in hopes of determining the basis for …

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…this country, and countries around the world. The Hamer study supported a theory that there may be a possibility of traits passed down through the genes of mothers that determine a linkage between genetics and human sexual orientation. The fact still remains that much more testing is in order to fully determine the sequence of the human genome in general, not to mention specific genes relating to one specific category, such as human sexual orientation.