International Relations of Australia during the 20th Century

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Essay Database > History > World History
At the very beginning of the 20th century, Britain was considered the 'mother' country and depended on for supplies. During the early part of the century, these ties between the two countries were considered of great importance as Australia's heritage was linked to that of Britain's. On the 1st January 1901, Australia became a federation. This meant Australia would become a dominion, with its own constitution, national anthem and flag, but still maintain its ties with …

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…Vietnam and Korea so did Australia. As Australia wanted to ensure America was a close ally and can be depended on. By the end of the 20th century, Australia had two very powerful allies and had managed to maintain its national identity and preserve its heritage. Due to the shifting alliances and power struggles that emerged in the 20th century, Australia was a nation that others aspired to become, and this continues to this day.