Industry Overview of the Airline Industry

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Surviving all odds could be considered a slogan for the U.S. Airlines Industry. Through inflation, depression, terrorist activity and much more the Airline Industry has taken several set backs and still managed to survive. While profits have fluctuate a great deal, the U.S. Airline Industry can be characterized by it steady growth, falling prices and overall stability and contribute a great deal to this economic system. In a brief study of the U.…

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…by both the individual and business sectors. Vacations could be postponed or substituted for a much less expensive activity, while business travel could be substituted with products such as video conferencing (Colander D.C. (2004). References: Colander D.C. (2004). Economics. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Retrieved from University of Phoenix Online Library on July 25, 2005. Biz Journals Home Page. (2004). Timing Key for Delta Bankruptcy . Retrieved November 24, 2004, from