Indian Music

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Introduction: Indian music was introduced to the West long time ago. Today, Indian music is performed on the stage all over the world. Apart from this, it has become an integral part of musical genres like World Music. Along with Reggae, Latin music with all its diverse styles from various regions, and Celtic, Indian music has slowly but surely started enjoying possibilities that are as wide-ranging as any of the vast and varied musical cultures …

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…and written as N The LOWER octave Their note symbols are identical; but each of the symbols is preceeded by an apostophe sign. Thus, they are written as: 'N 'n 'D 'd 'P 'M 'm 'G 'g 'R 'r 'S The HIGHER octave: The note names ans their symbols are identical; but is followed by an apostophe sigh. Thus, they are written as: S' r' R' g' G' m' M' P' d' D' n' N'