Indian Literature

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Indian literature is one of the oldest in the world. India has twenty two recognized languages and is rich in arts and literature because of the many cultural influences through out its history. Today some of India's most influential authors are Asapurna Devi, and Rabindranath Tagore. Both of these authors have won prestigious awards for their famous works, and are adding to the literature that tells of life in present day India. Ashapurna Devi was …

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…wealthy, but the people of India did not benefit, farmers were forced to grow cash crops and were poorly paid for them. Many Indians viewed the British negatively at it was reflected in their writing. There were also positive effects from the British influence on India, because many Indians were offered an education such as Tagore. Early Hindu literature consisted of only short poems written to gods. Currently Indian literature is diverse and well known.