Importance of understanding employment relations as a manager.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1. Introduction Employment relationship is a new term that broadens the study of industrial relationships, referring to the formal and informal interrelationships between managers and workers. As shown by figure 1, there are different perspectives involved, which will inherently provide ample scope for conflicts to arise. The basis of the employment relationship is one of divergent interests; therefore conflict is inevitable at the workplace. In the process of obtaining the desired values, one party may attempt to …

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…exchange of labour capacity in return for the production of goods and services. It is very important to understand the implications of all the aspects of employment relations. High levels of collaboration between the workforce and management are likely to be consistent with greater reliability of production and quality of output, which in turn would bolster the organization's market position. Thus, employment relation is one of the most significant areas that need to be invested.