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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Immigration Threatens Your Future Do you think we have traffic problems today? Just think about that number increasing by 50%! That is what will eventually happen because our door is so widely open to legalized immigration. Last year we admitted over 900,000 legal immigrants and an estimated 275,000 illegal ones. Estimated that in the year 2050 our population will be 519 million which is 97% greater than today! But this condition isn't inevitable. It is a mess that we are creating …

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…burdens on American taxpayers, minorities, and the poor, homeless, and unemployed. If Congress does nothing to reduce immigration, 90% of all U.S. population growth between 1993 and 2050 will be due to immigrants and their children. The United States simply cannot afford to continue to accept almost half of the world's immigrants. In conclusion, our government needs to realize the future problems that will come from immigration and use a cap for immigration at a maximum of 100,000.