Imagination is the Highest Kite One can Fly

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
My family has a very close friend, named Alex Wannamaker who was born with a severely damaged central nervous system. This birth defect has left him somewhat paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Alex was limited to doing basic daily activities with the help of others. Alex is able to take educational classes from home using his voice-activated computer. He sometimes asks me to type his homework, to-date he is an A student. I have …

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…into the sky. When Alex saw me with this kite his eyes began to gleam with joy and I could see his mind, his imagination was working. UP IN THE SKY, UP IN THE SKY, what a thrill for both Alex and me! I tried to imagine what Alex was feeling at this moment of time, I know what I was feeling. It was just great to let my imagination soar like the kite too.