Ian Thorpe Persuasive

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Essay Database > Literature
Task 2: To: President of the Australian Olympic Federation Dear Sir, <Tab/>As a leading sponsor of the Australian Olympic team, I am writing this letter to you to express my disapproval in regard to the Australian Swimming Authority's decision to disqualify one of our leading sportsmen, Ian Thorpe out of the year 2004 Athens Olympics simply because he overbalanced on the starting blocks at the Olympic team trials in Sydney. <…

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…Australia in 2004 Athens, it will also be a enormous setback in his swimming career which will also effect his performance in the future. Perhaps, the unwise "one false start and you're out" rule shouldn't be placed under the category of zero tolerance. I hope that you will come to agree that this outrageous decision made by the Australian Swimming Authority is not favourable for Australia, and I have faith that you will reconsider your decision.