IRAQ Sanctions

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Imagine the fear of not knowing how your parents and little sister are doing back home. Imagine the shock of finding out your little sister is dying because there were no medicines available for her treatment. Imagine the sorrow you feel when you go back home and find your hometown in ruins and not anymore as beautiful, modern and safe as it once used to be. Well, I experienced all of that, and still wish …

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…U.S. to stop taking such horrific actions against a nation that is already in ruins. I am fortunate enough to be giving this speech in front of so many Government officials, that's why I will seize the opportunity to make a plea to you to do something against the U.S. wrong doings in Iraq. I hope this speech hase made you think a bit more of the unfortunate situation of the Iraqi people.