Hydoelectric energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Hydroelectric energy potentially is the result of a fortunate coincidence in which nature and the need to modernize, are combined together in an on- going cycle. The cycle being evaporated, precipitation and concentration. Having water, though, does not necessarily mean having hydroelectric potential. To be in usable form, that water must be in continuous supply, accessible and concentrated in rivers with a volume flows and a descent rate, sufficient to drive generating turbines. The only …

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…are called peaking units in areas where power plants and high populations exist. That is because electricity demand in an area can vary widely over a period of time, sources that can easily be turned on or off are needed to meet demand peeks. Environmental Concerns Large dame change a self-regulating ecological system into one that must be managed. Placed on a river without thought to their upstream and downstream impacts they can bring disaster.