Humanities Today.

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Any person who has ever attempted to place a description on the word "humanities" knows that this is a task of extreme magnitude. The humanities (as we know them) of our modern world have grown to encompass a vast region of studies. Fiero (Book 3) denotes the humanities as "creative legacies of literature, philosophy, history, architecture, the visual arts, music, and dance" (p. ix). The humanities deduce distinct techniques of expression and inquiry via debate, thoughts, …

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…of information and literature contained within it. The Internet is now home to many fruitful businesses and society relies upon data transmission through this canal everyday. Due to technology we are able to utilize these vast resources and collections of literature for whatever purpose we deem necessary, and like the population, it is only going to get bigger! References: Fiero, G. K. (2002). The humanistic tradition. (4th. ed. Combo), Books 3, 4, 5 & 6. New York: McGraw Hill.