Human Rights and Child Labor

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Human rights are moral right, which everyone has regardless of gender, race, color, language, nationality, age, religion, or political beliefs. Anything that violates these rights is a crime against humanity. Child labor is a crime that robs children of the right to a childhood. Children forced to work often suffer from many life-threatening diseases, most commonly malnutrition. Child labor is a problem in many parts of the world, but the highest number of child laborers …

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…impact on the employers. Organizations like UNICEF and the ILO donate millions of dollars and have helped countless children. In North America alone over two billion dollars are sent to developing countries to help stop child labor. Even though this information is bias because it only discussed the many negatives and does not show the few good points about children working, but I feel that the world would be a better place without child labor.