Human Rights Violators

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Human Rights Violators The School of the Americas was opened in 1946. It originated in Panama. As a result of the Panama Canal Treaty in 1977, the school was relocated to Fort Benning, Georgia (USARSA History). The major objective of the school of the school is to provide military training to Latin American and US military personal. Their main objectives are to promote democracy and human rights. US foreign policy, military counter drug policy and civil patrol …

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…course but they might not understand what is taught to them. The class might be taught but might not go into much detail about specific human rights policy. The School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia, should be closed. A number of their graduates have committed numerous crimes against humanity. Also, the money that could be saved by closing the school is a large sum of money. That money could go towards government projects.