Human Rights

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Human Rights I agree that human rights do not lend themselves to neat formulae. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) aims at guarding the interest of people residing in different countries. However, the political and cultural environment of a country would shape these rights. Some of the rights the essay would be discussing are the equality of the sexes, right to freedom of speech and education. Contrary to the West, women in Asia are …

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…civil war. No doubt that countries are obliged to uphold the UDHR, certain diversities should be tolerated as most countries are "endowed with ancient and sophisticated cultures" (Alatas, 1993) which may differ from one another. Thus, the international community must take into consideration the country's traditions, social values and political environment before ostracizing them. In conclusion, I agree that human rights do not lend themselves to neat formulae and a pragmatic approach to it is necessary.