Human Rights

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Essay Database > History
HAS THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN RIGHTS CHANGED SINCE 1948? A FRAMEWORK Nickel provides a very useful framework for analysis of whether the concept of human rights has changed since the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights . His framework attempts to explain how rights operate in society. Five fundamental elements of rights are identified: a) they have conditions of possession; b) they give the right to something specific; c) they have conditions of operability, and they can be …

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…problem was further exacerbated by subsequent decolonisation and a global discourse which focused on the poverty of the newly independent states and the inequity of the world economy. This culminated in the 1986 Declaration of the Right to Development. I have focused solely on these two rights, the right to self-determination and the right to development because of their, contentious, claim to rights for peoples and because they have been used to great extent, great danger.