How the internet has influenced our view of television

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Having already done my fair share of internet surfing, I was excited to finally have the opportunity to do a research paper that involved this vast and seemingly boundless electronic world. It is easy to passively interact with the rest of the world and scan effortlessly through millions of pages of information, some of which is useful, some of which simply takes up space; the problem that many researchers and interest groups face is making …

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…vast electronic universe. Whether you are looking for simple textual facts, a picture of Courtney Cox, what Homer said to Bart right after he stole his wallet on last night's episode, or simply looking for someone to share your interests with, the internet provides it for you in the comfort of your own home. In conclusion, the internet a complex and interactive medium that, as I have shown, greatly enhances one's personal experience with television.