How successful was the league of nations in the 1920's? This essay analyses the problems and difficulties of the first attempt of a world security organization

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Essay Database > History > World History
How successful was the league in the 1920's? The League of Nations main aim was in: "stopping wars, improving people's lives and jobs, in encouraging disarmament and in enforcing the decisions made in the peace Treaty of Versailles." If we consider the above statement to judge the successes of the league, we may say that when the League was called to settle a quarrel in the 1920s, it has always been quite successful. The most …

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…was wrecked when Germany demanded equal armaments to Britain and France. We may conclude stating that the League of Nations was successful in a minor ways in the 1920s, stopping small wars and making a great effort in the health related commissions. Anyway it was crystal clear that a so bureaucratic organization, full of internal quarrels and endless proceedings could not manage to keep upright such important issue, which concerned the destiny of all humanity.