How has Nelson Mandela influenced the abolition of apartheid

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
South-Africa was settled by Dutch spaking whites, the boers, in the seventeenth century. Later they were followed by the British, who they several times fought against to keep the power. In 1948 the white people felt that the bladks threatened their position, so the national party, that has formed all the governments since then, introduced the policy of apartheid. Apartheid is a term that originally is Dutch and means separation. The system was in practice used …

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…while he was in prison, and he was ready to die for his belief. He persuaded the black people to continue to fight for their rights. Now when aparheid is abolished, Mandela's fight for equal rights goes on. Mandela's fight for equal rights goes on. The old system is gone, but there is still bad housing conditions, education, unequal franchise and bad public health services. Mandela diddnt give up beore, and he will not now!