How divorces affect children in our society? By: 4.0GPA student.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
How divorces affect children in our society?. Families are divided everyday and the circumstances vary, but they still cause traumatic behavior toward those who are irate about their families separating. It seems to be a dilemma for parents that no longer acquire each others' company to make choices about their marriage with animosity and revulsion toward one another. What about the children, and how does the divorce affect them? Between birth and the age of …

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…exactly how divorce affects a child. But the evidence does seem to pile up that most children do respond to divorce in a negative way. In marriages people must learn to avoid conflict and appreciate whom they have decided to spend the rest of their life with. A divorce causes too much stress and heartache on a child, that's why it should be forbidden unless reasons to separate are of the laws of the Bible.