How To Sell in Your Store

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Pages: 31
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Essay Database > Literature > English
SELLING IN YOUR STORE Part 1 Start by Communicating Some people will say they are a natural sales person and they don't need any help. However, the best sales people recognize that there is always something else to learn. It's like the adage, "The smarter you get, the dumber you feel." If you like what is said here and recognize the need of a strong selling force, then I recommend you pick up one or more …

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…Your plan will get better and more efficient with each year. Without this map, you don't know where you're going or how far you've got to get there. I've purposely tried to leave money and finances out of this article because finances, along with a marketing plan, become a business plan and that is another story. As for now, get your marketing plan in place and be ready for a busy and great upcoming year.