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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I Introduction Homosexuality, sexual orientation toward people of the same sex. Homosexuality contrasts with heterosexuality, sexual orientation toward people of the opposite sex. People with a sexual orientation toward members of both sexes are called bisexuals (see Bisexuality). Female homosexuals are frequently called lesbians. In recent years, the term gay has been applied to both homosexual men and women. Homosexuality appears in virtually all social contexts--within different community settings, socioeconomic levels, and ethnic and religious …

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…some U.S. states tried to restrict laws that protect homosexuals from discrimination. In 1992 Colorado adopted an amendment to its constitution forbidding state and local governments from passing any law providing civil rights protections to homosexuals. The Supreme Court struck down the Colorado amendment in 1996. Two years later, however, the Court refused to hear a challenge to a voter initiative that barred the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, from passing laws to protect homosexuals from discrimination.