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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Marcus McDuffie WRT 121 Dr. Elizabeth Larsen July 7, 2003 la sustantivo coloquial adverbio el ventana femenino Present day. South Philly. 534 Johnston Street. Just go ahead and knock on the door. It is cool we will let you in. Knock! Knock! A black man about six feet tall opens the door and says, "What's crackin' dogg."(You don't know what that means so you nod your head and ask for "Big Wolf" The man invites you in and …

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…nice. Now the kids look at him from out there window. Glossary Big Wolf - Marcus McDuffie Busted - Broken Cool - Alright Crib - House Crackin' - Going on Da - The Dogg - Friend Fo show - For sure la sustantivo coloquial adverbio el ventana femenino - The kids out the window is spanish Off da chains - Nice and/or wild South Philly - Southern Philadelphia This is where I grew up