History of the English Language.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
English Language Perhaps one of the best histories in time, English has evolved from various stupid dialects to a universal language in a range of 1500 years. It is perhaps the best language in the world. It was influence by other languages such as Greek and Latin. Words like angel, disciple and devil come from Latin and Greek. This languages influence English through Christianity and Arts. It can be divided into three categories: old English, Middle …

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…you can see all of the important countries of the world like England, US, Germany, Japan, Russia and many more have to use English as first or second language to become developed. As you know there are about 6800 languages in the world and almost 800 are left. I think that one day everyone in the world will comunicate in English and life will be easier in a lot of aspects like business, health and social relationship.