History and development of kites. Explains the uses in the past and present.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
It is believed that kites first started in China approximately thirty centuries ago. To make their kites, they used materials such as bamboo and silk. Japan and a few other Asian countries learned the idea of kites from China where it had been invented. It is also believed that these Asian countries used the kites for special purposes such as religious festivals and ceremonies. The Asians believed that the kites were special and could promise …

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…just to fly kites and relax. Others may go, just to watch people fly kites. Either way, many people have fun flying kites whether it is for a game, a completion, enjoyment, or relaxation. Kites have been a significant invention since the first day when they were made. They have been used repeatedly for experiments and entertainment. I believe that it is odd how such a simple invention could do so much with so little.