Heroes and the Hobbit.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The principal concern of a literature student is to try to infer what the author's intentions are. However, we often include our own perspectives and forget the author altogether. Take a look at The Hobbit. Many people assume Tolkien wanted Bilbo to be viewed as the hero and that the story is of his transformation. However, given Beowulf's influence on Tolkien, Bilbo is most likely not meant to a hero. For those who think Bilbo …

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…a great influence on Tolkien. Keeping this in mind, it is also safe to assume, Bilbo Baggins is not meant to be a hero. He is merely a comedic character who performs many heroic feats. To those still skeptical, I'll leave you with this last thought: Turn to The Lord of the Rings and answer this question: Whom does Tolkien choose as the ring-bearer---Frodo or Bilbo? Works Cited "Hero." The American Heritage Dictionary. 3rd Ed. 1994.