Henrik Ibsen "A Doll's House": Explore how the minor characters are used with regard to plot development revealing aspects of the character of Nora, and thematic issues.

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The three minor characters Mrs. Linde, Krogstad and Dr. Rank are the main factors contributing to Nora's process of change. The entrances of the different characters are what create tension, drama and conflicts, as well as development in the plot. Certain of these character's aspects also support the thematic issues. Nora changes and reveals herself increasingly as these characters enter her life. When Mrs. Linde enters Ibsen has already established the characteristics of Nora. She …

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…has no knowledge of what is happening, he seems straight out dumb. While Nora takes control of her own life, finally realising that she needs to make her own opinions and experiences. I think it is strongly valid to claim that Dr. Rank, Krogstad and Mrs. Linde form the essential "drive" of the plot. Each of them affects Nora's process by presenting her with a great amount of reality and facts from "the outside world".