Heart of Darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When considering Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the formalistic approach would seem to be the logical choice for criticism. The story lends itself very well to this approach by virtue of its light and dark contrast, Conrads metaphore for good and evil. As the title suggests there will be a reference to darkness, which not only means an evil but also ignorance in man. The book encompasses many evils but also demonstrates a complete …

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…to the company, the colonists, and in some respects to the natives. Stepping from the novel however, these issues can be found to apply to all, and their application would seem to be timeless. Their abuses of people, and power, along with the constant quest for riches would seem to be a never ending constant which is so well contrasted by a story of a man and his steamboat, and the adventure it was on.