Heart Of Darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Darkness Within Based on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness In Joseph Conrad's novel, Heart of Darkness, the narrator journeys into Africa on what the Europeans termed a "civilizing" mission. The journey, which is spiritual as much as it is physical, becomes more than a simple mission, however, as the narrator must confront the powers of light and darkness: the dawning [light] realization is that the "civilizing" mission is inherently dark and evil. by the …

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…bound to have been transported into some lightless region of subtle horrors, where pure, uncomplicated savagery was a positive relief, being something that had a right to exist - obviously - in the sunshine" (95). It was not until later that Marlow realized what his words had meant. It was not until later that Marlow became enlightened with the idea that the heart of darkness existed within the imperialistic hearts of those behind the civilizing mission.