Hate Crimes

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Hate based on race, religion and sexual orientation exist within any cultural rich societies. When this type of hate fuels a person into taking violent actions upon those they hate, it is called a hate crime; a topic which the American public is seriously concerned about. It has been a widely discussed subject on the media, and often debates of whether or not a crime should be attributed with hate are the center for discussion. …

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…are evil, and there would be no wrong in flexing our superior muscle. But to the Iraqis and Yugoslavians, who lost thousands of lives, the United States is but a racist nation who kills "non-American" people like killing ants. For if the Iraqis and Yugoslavians were Americans, preferably white, would the U.S value their lives differently? It is ultimately in a person's perception, which concludes what is and what is not a hate crime.