Hate Crimes

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Hate crimes are basically crimes committed against another person because of his or her race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Congress passed a law that gives people guilty of hate crimes a larger sentence. I'm against hate crime laws because they make people's thoughts and beliefs illegal, and that goes against the First Amendment of the Constitution, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. So, the courts believe that murdering someone while saying racist remarks …

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…the hate crimes law. In conclusion, I'm still going to stand by my opinions after doing this report and seeing the other side of this issue. I don't think hate crime laws could have prevented the Holocaust because I can't imagine Hitler calling off his plans after seeing he was doing something that is against the law in another country. And, even though hate is bad, it's an opinion, and you can't make opinions illegal.