"Harry Potter" by J. K. Rolling.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
After a long and ostracized summer at the Dursley's and a short stay at Ron Weasly's house, Harry, the main character, returns back as a second year student at Hogwarts, a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Prior to his return, he is confronted by a house elf named Dobby, who advises him not to go back because of the danger that awaits him. However, Harry believes no part of this and pushes him aside. At …

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…first chapter through to the very last page. The novel is humorous and creative. The whole book was suspenseful and was so exciting, it was hard to put down. I recommend this book to anyone who would like a break from reality and is looking forward to a book of laughter and wizardry. To make this book even better, more adventures and extra magical words could be added. This would enhance the level of enjoyment.