Harry Potter book vs. movie

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by:J.K. Rowling Harry Potter: Book vs. Movie <Tab/>With all the new movies based on books or comics that are out, people wonder why Hollywood keeps doing it. Some say they're greedy people, just doing it for the money, and others say that it helps bring the book to life. But I say, why ruin a good book, like Harry Potter and the …

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…think, yet again, that the movie could have done a better job for a cuter Lockhart, even though Kenneth Branagh does have his moments. <Tab/>In conclusion, the book was better because the less popular characters were more involved, it was funnier, and more descriptive. I still love the movies, but I only wish that the actors were chosen more carefully and the storyline was followed to the very last sentence.