Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
At Hogwarts, Harry makes friends and enemies as he struggles through his first year, discovering, not only that magic exists, but also his own important role in the recent history of magic. Rather than being killed in a car accident, as his aunt and uncle have always maintained, Harry’s parents were killed by an evil wizard, Valdemort, whose power was destroyed when he attempted to kill the infant Harry. Even as Harry learns about …

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…some antagonists suddenly turn into friends, or at least allies. Because Rowling has created a background which covers Harry’s parents’ relationships with so many of the characters who teach at Hogwarts, many of them have motivations in their dealings with Harry which are not immediately evident to either Harry or the reader. It is this complexity that makes Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone an enjoyable book for children or adults ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**